Chapel Hill Town Council
Accomplishments in Office: 2017-present
Town of Chapel Hill’s COVID-19 Response
With COVID-19, our town faced one of the most difficult challenges in our history – one that was unexpected, created an immediate health crisis, and demanded an unprecedented response by local governments.
I am so proud that Chapel Hill maintained a low rate of disease and a high proportion of vaccinated individuals.
Our success in reducing COVID-19 risk was realized through:
- establishing public health-informed community guidelines.
- effective communication and collaboration with county officials, schools, other municipalities, as well as the non-profit sector.
- ready access to testing and vaccines, prioritizing those with greater risk.

Chapel Hill also provided urgently needed aid to those in our community suffering devastating employment and financial losses through:
- rapid creation of a very strong social support network that provided food, prevented evictions, and found housing for those without.
- financial and other supports to local businesses.
“We must carry on the spirit of caring and resilience to help Chapel Hill build back better – and more equitable – than ever.”
Although the threat of COVID-19 disease is diminishing as of July 2021, people in our town are still vulnerable and the social and economic effects of the pandemic are still being felt.
We will continue to prioritize those who have been the most severely impacted as our community continues to recover in the coming year and beyond.
Town Council Highlights: 2017- present
Listed below are milestones from my first term serving on the Chapel Hill Town Council, starting in 2017.
My fellow council members and I worked hard to accomplish multiple goals during this period, even as we faced with the added burden of responding to COVID-19 during 2020 and 2021.

- Passed a $10 million bond for affordable housing.
- Added 3 more plots of town-owned land for affordable housing.
- Made the Blue Hill district more attractive and walkable.
- Created space to bring 1,000 new jobs to revitalize Downtown and East Rosemary St.
- Allowed for outdoor seating at Franklin St. restaurants.
- Approved incentives to bring 400 new jobs to West Franklin St. and the first significant new office building in over 10 years.
- Created a criminal justice fund to alleviate the burden of court fees for some justice-involved community members.
- Passed a non-discrimination ordinance benefitting the LGBTQ+ community.
- Created a new Future Land Use Map (FLUM) – a land use plan for the next 30 years that will encourage responsible development and protect our neighborhoods.
- Passed the Town’s first Climate Action and Response Plan.
Go to the Town of Chapel Hill’s website for more information about the Town Council.

Read about my priorities for my next term on the Chapel Hill Town Council.